Chart a Clear Path To Extraordinary Achievement With North Star Objectives

Become a Master of Effective Goal Setting, Level up Your Mindset, and Gain the Focus and Motivation Needed To Achieve Your Vision of Success With the North Star Objective Notion Template.
Every goal, long-term or short, needs to be rooted in a vision of success. Until you have a vision of success that truly connects with and inspires you, you can't create meaningful or motivating goals.
Here's how the North Star Objective Notion template can help
Vision-Driven Success: Guides you in identifying a vision of success that resonates deeply and personally, ensuring that your goals are intrinsically motivating and meaningful.
Focused Efforts: Acts as a constant reminder of your overarching goal. Prioritizes tasks and decisions that directly contribute to your long-term vision, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
Strategic Decision Making: Equips you to make decisions that are strategically aligned with your goals, avoiding distractions and maintaining a path that leads to your envisioned success.
About Patrick Ewers, Founder and CEO of Mindmaven

Patrick Ewers, named by Forbes as one of Silicon Valley’s top relationship management experts, is the founder and CEO of Executive Coaching firm Mindmaven.
For over 15 years, Mindmaven has worked with hundreds of leaders, including unicorns like Thumbtack, Reddit, and Roblox, as well as heavy hitters such as Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, and First Round Capital.
Before founding Mindmaven, Patrick held a senior role at LinkedIn as one of its earliest employees. It was here that Patrick formed a fundamental belief that connecting with your network and strengthening relationships is an essential habit for every leader.
Ultimately, Patrick’s tactics enable CEOs and founders to increase their focus on what moves
the needle most, raises their velocity of execution, and maximizes their ability to utilize the full potential of their network.
Mindmaven Has Worked With

Frequently Asked Questions
What are North Star Objectives?
North Star Objectives are long-term, high-level, aspirational goals that motivate, inspire, and uplift you as the goal-setter.
Think of them the way sailors view the North Star: A way to stay on course, no matter where you are. If you don't know where to go or what to do, all it takes is a quick glance to get back on track.
How does setting a North Star Objective benefit me?
Setting a North Star Objective is a powerful way to define your path to success, stay motivated, make strategic choices, and grow both personally and professionally.
It provides clarity and focus, aligning your actions and decisions towards achieving a significant, impactful goal.
What makes North Star Objectives so effective as a goal-setting template?
Unlike goals outlined in other approaches, North Star Objectives aren't necessarily pragmatic or utilitarian. Their strategic value isn't in dictating exactly what needs to be done – it's in their ability to empower you.
Like true motivation, it is not influenced by outside expectations or limitations. Instead, the process of setting your North Star Objectives is designed to resonate uniquely with you.
Can this template be used for both personal and professional goals?
Absolutely. This Notion template can be adapted for any type of long-term goal setting.
Some people measure success by their bank account, others by their family. Some people will only feel successful once they're a CEO, others when they've lost 30 pounds.
It's all about what resonates with you.
Is the template customizable?
Yes, our North Star Objective Notion template is user-friendly and highly customizable.
By filling in the template, you can tailor the process of setting your North Star Objectives to your specific aspirations. This adaptable framework empowers you to define and refine your goals seamlessly, ensuring they align perfectly with your personal vision and long-term ambitions.
About Mindmaven
At Mindmaven, we believe that relationships are essential for success but, more importantly, are a vital ingredient for living a happy, fulfilling life. As a result of our work, we hope to combat one of the most significant epidemics of our time: the epidemic of loneliness.
But there was a challenge: we realized early on that while relationships are always important, the things we must do to take care of them are rarely urgent. In our clients’ urgency-driven world, it wasn’t enough to simply give them world-class relationship management strategies.
First, we had to help them free up the time to implement those tactics ... and not just five minutes here and there. We had to become the best of the best when it came to freeing up massive amounts of time so we could help people invest in what matters most: Relationships.